A Sneaky Way To Resize and Move Windows On Your Mac


⌘ UPDATE ⌘  It was pointed out to me by a savvy reddit user, that the functionality described in this post is not native to the Mac, but instead is enabled by installing BetterTouchTool, which I also highly recommend, and plan on publishing an extensive blog post on in the near future.


I accidentally discovered this crazy keyboard shortcut the other day. I have never seen it mentioned anywhere, and it is extremely useful.

You know how annoying it is to target and grab the edges of a window to resize it, and then alternate between resizing and moving to get the window sized and positioned exactly where you want it?

Continue reading A Sneaky Way To Resize and Move Windows On Your Mac

Defining And Setting Your Business Goals

Have you ever had the feeling that your business lacks a clear purpose or direction?

Maybe its more than a feeling, but rather something that dominates your thoughts about your business. Something that is always clouding your ability to move forward with confidence and excitement.

Could these feelings of doubt and hesitation be stemmed from having omitted the crucial first step of establishing any business? The scary topic of goal setting.

Continue reading Defining And Setting Your Business Goals

Your New Business Starter Series – An Overview

unanswered questions - brainstorming concept

Starting an online business can be overwhelming…

It can compare to being dropped in the middle of the ocean in a rowboat, then trying to paddle your way to an unknown destination you were told about one time.

I’ve been there. A thousand questions are running through your head. Where do you start? How do you build a web site?

Continue reading Your New Business Starter Series – An Overview